Strawberry Shake Philodendron Plant Care Guide

strawberry shake philodendron plant

Strawberry Shake Philodendron Highlights

LightBright, Indirect
WaterOnce per week
Temperature65-80° F
Mature Size1-2 Feet
Soil TypeWell-Draining, Rich
ToxicityToxic to People/Animals
Native AreaHybrid – No Specific Native Area
Level of DifficultyMedium

Summary from Customer Reviews

I’ve looked through a bunch of different reviews for the strawberry shake philodendron to get the thoughts of real customers on caring for the plant. I looked through all the reviews, and put together a summary based on my findings:

People are overall really satisfied with their strawberry shake philodendron, with particular emphasis on the appearance and health. The plant is praised for its beautiful variegation, healthy roots, and new growth points. Several people mentioned it being a dream and their favorite in their collection. I didn’t come across any negative comments about the plant’s quality, health, or appearance.

Based on the reviews, this plant isn’t overly difficult to care for. Most of the customers had no problems taking care of the plant. However, most of the reviews came from people that have a lot of different plants, so they most likely have a lot of good experience taking care of plants.

Overall, the reviews convey a high level of satisfaction with the plant, with customers being very excited for their new addition to their plant collections.

Strawberry Shake Philodendron Care


Strawberry shake philodendrons love soaking up the sun. These vibrant plants thrive in bright, indirect light. While they can tolerate some direct sunlight, too much can scorch their delicate leaves and cause them to wither. Keep them happy and healthy by finding a spot with just the right amount of filtered light, and watch them grow.

The strawberry shake philodendron will let you know when they need more sunlight. If their leaves start to droop or their variegation fades, it may be a sign that they’re not getting enough light. A simple move to a brighter location should do the trick. Just be sure to avoid exposing them to harsh, direct sunlight, which can damage their leaves and cause them to wilt.


These plants like their water, but they don’t want to be drowning in it. When watering, aim for a balance between moist and well-drained soil. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again, and be sure to drain any excess water from the saucer to prevent root rot. Too much water can lead to yellowing leaves and a weakened plant. So give your strawberry shake philodendron a good drink, but don’t go overboard.

A great way to ensure your strawberry shake philodendron gets the right amount of water is to use a moisture meter. They will let you know exactly when your plant needs a drink and when it’s had enough, taking the guesswork out of watering. And don’t forget, it’s always better to underwater than overwater – a thirsty plant is much easier to revive than one that’s been drowning in too much water.


The strawberry shake philodendron plant should have a well-draining potting mix that’s rich in organic matter. A mix of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite can be a good choice. The soil pH should be between 5.5 to 7.0, which is slightly acidic to neutral. Make sure to avoid using heavy clay soils or ones that don’t drain well as they can lead to root rot and other issues. If you’re not sure about your soil mix, you can always buy a pre-made mix that’s specifically formulated for tropical plants.

Another important thing to consider when it comes to soil is the size of the pot. The pot should be large enough to accommodate the roots of the plant and provide good drainage. If the pot is too small, it can lead to overcrowding, which can cause the soil to become compacted and inhibit water and nutrient uptake. Make sure the pot has drainage holes, too, so that the water can flow through the soil and not collect in the bottom of the pot.


The strawberry shake philodendron is a tropical plant and thrives in warm temperatures. It is best to keep it in a room where the temperature is between 65-85°F. However, it’s important to avoid placing the plant near cold drafts or air conditioning vents as they can harm the plant. If the temperature drops below 60°F, the plant can suffer damage and can even die.

The strawberry shake philodendron doesn’t like extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is best to avoid exposing it to sudden changes in temperature, as it can cause stress and affect the plant’s growth. For example, if you move the plant from a warm room to a cold room abruptly, it can cause the plant’s leaves to turn yellow and drop off. It’ also sensitive to temperature fluctuations during the winter season, so it’s best to avoid placing it near windows or doors that let in cold air.


They love to be fed a balanced fertilizer during its growing season, which is typically from spring to fall. Don’t overdo it though, because too much fertilizer can actually harm your plant. A good rule of thumb is to feed your strawberry shake philodendron once every two weeks with a diluted fertilizer mixture. You can also mix in some compost or organic matter to help keep the soil healthy and nourished.

If you want to give your strawberry shake philodendron a little extra boost, consider using a slow-release fertilizer. This will help ensure that your plant is getting a steady supply of nutrients over a longer period of time. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the package and not to overdo it.


There are two main methods for propagating this plant: stem cuttings and division.

For stem cuttings, choose a healthy stem with several leaves and make a clean cut just below a node. Remove the bottom leaves and place the cutting in a jar of water or in a pot with moist soil. Keep the cutting in bright, indirect light and change the water regularly or mist the soil to keep it moist. In a few weeks, you should see new roots and leaves emerging from the cutting. Once the roots are established, you can transplant the new plant into its own pot.

To use the division method, carefully remove the plant from its pot and gently separate the roots into two or more sections. Be sure to keep a good amount of soil around the roots to avoid damaging them. Repot each section into its own pot with fresh soil and water thoroughly. Place the newly potted plants in a spot with bright, indirect light and keep the soil moist. In a few weeks, you should see new growth emerging from each section.


Pruning the strawberry shake is an important part of its maintenance. Regular pruning helps to keep the plant’s size and shape under control and encourages new growth. The best time to prune is in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. The first step is to remove any dead, damaged, or yellow leaves using a clean and sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears.

To control the size or shape of your strawberry shake, you can also prune the stems. Cut back to just above a leaf node or aerial root. This will also prevent the plant from becoming too top-heavy. Regular pruning will keep your Strawberry Shake Philodendron healthy, happy, and looking its best.


Choose a pot that’s just a little bigger than the plant’s current one. You don’t want to give your Philodendron too much room to stretch out just yet. Make sure the pot has drainage holes so the plant’s roots won’t be sitting in water, and fill the bottom with a layer of rocks or other drainage material. Then add some high-quality potting mix, such as a mix of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite.

When you’re ready to put your strawberry shake philodendron in its new pot, be sure to gently remove it from its old pot, taking care not to damage any of the roots. Place the plant in the new pot, making sure it’s at the same depth as it was in its previous pot. You don’t want to plant it too deep or too shallow. Then, add more potting mix around the plant until the pot is about three-quarters full. Give the soil a good watering to settle it around the roots, and then fill the rest of the pot with soil. Don’t pack it down too tightly, as you want the roots to be able to breathe.

Common Problems

Overwatering: Too much water can lead to root rot and cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Make sure to let the soil dry out before watering again.

Lack of humidity: These plants thrive in high humidity environments, and if the air is too dry, the leaves may turn brown and crispy. Consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near the plant.

Pests: Mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects can infest strawberry shake philodendrons. Check the plant regularly and treat with an appropriate insecticide if necessary.

Insufficient light: These plants require bright, indirect light to thrive. If the leaves start to look pale or the plant is not growing, it may need more light.

Pot-bound: If the plant is not growing as quickly as it used to or the leaves start to droop, it may need to be repotted into a larger container with fresh soil.


Is Philodendron Strawberry Shake rare?

Philodendron strawberry shakes are a relatively new hybrid plant, but it is becoming more widely available.

Why are Strawberry Shake Philodendron so expensive?

The reason they’re expensive is because of the demand, unique variegation, and limited availability.

Is philodendron Strawberry Shake a climber?

Yes, philodendron strawberry shakes are a climbing plant and can grow up to a few feet tall.

How do you make a philodendron strawberry shake pink?

They get their pink color from exposure to bright, indirect sunlight. The more sun it gets, the more pink it will be.

How do you bring back variegation of strawberry shake philodendron?

It’s important to provide it with bright, indirect light and avoid over-fertilization. You can also prune away any solid green leaves to encourage the growth of variegated leaves.

Fun Facts

  1. The bright pink coloration on the leaves of the strawberry shake philodendron is due to the presence of anthocyanins, which are pigments that are commonly found in fruits like strawberries and raspberries.

  2. Philodendron strawberry shakes are also an air-purifying plant, meaning it can help remove pollutants from the air in your home.

  3. Due to its unique appearance and popularity, philodendron strawberry shakes have recently become a highly sought-after plant